
The Latest from the Library

Detective Comics #68

Detective Comics #68, cover date October 1942, features the exact same creative team as last issue, and is easily a must-read. Putting that right up top so you can go read it blind. If you enjoyed Tec #66 and want to see the story’s conclusion, here it is. The cover is great, featuring Two-Face front…

Detective Comics #67

Detective Comics #67, cover date September 1942, features a story by the Finger-Kane-Robinson team, and a cover by Kane and Robinson. This is our old friend the Prnguin’s cover debut! It’s a delightful chase scene featuring Penguin riding atop an Ostrich! We can only hope Colin Farrell does so in the upcoming show… The story…

World’s Finest Comics #7

World’s Finest Comics #7, cover date Fall 1942, features a story by the Finger-Kane-Robinson team, and a cover by Jack Burnley. Said cover is solid, it has that typical Burnley quality we might expect by now, and is another charming relic of World War II-era comics. The story within is exceedingly skippable. Batman and Robin…

“I think you and I are destined to do this forever”